Bailey: Syracuse football has chance at six-win season, bowl game

Dino Babers
Syracuse coach Dino Babers directs practice. Mandatory photo credit: Kicia Sears, The Juice Online. football beat writer Stephen Bailey calls in to talk about the 2018 Orange football season with host Wes Cheng. The Juice Online’s Brad Bierman then calls in to give his predictions on this season.

Here are the highlights from the show:

Wes Cheng: Do you see Syracuse making a bowl game?

Stephen Bailey: I’ve been going back and forth between 5-7 and 6-6 all offseason. You hear everyone talking about who’s going to be god and all these good things are happening. It’s just natural being. It’s a part of being around any team and my win projection bumps up at that point. I think it’s going to be close. I’ll say 6-6. I think Dino’s history of success at Eastern Illinois and Bowling Green causes me to lean that way a little bit. It’s going to come down to November again. It’s going to come down to how healthy they are. So I’ll say 6-6 but they’ve got their work cut out for them for sure.


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1. football beat writer Stephen Bailey calls in
2. Orange linebackers
3. Can Dungey stay healthy?
4. 6-6 or 5-7?
5. Editor in chief Brad Bierman calls in
6. Syracuse/ACC football media day
7. How does 2018 look?
8. Closing thoughts and wrap up

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About Wes Cheng 2907 Articles
Wes has worked for covering the New York Knicks, as well as for covering Syracuse athletics. Wes has also been a contributing writer for the South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), for SportsNet New York (SNY) as a news desk writer covering all of New York professional sports, and reported on the NBA and MLB for the New York Sportscene. A native of Long Island, New York, Wes graduated from Syracuse University in 2005 with a degree in journalism. Contact him at wes[at]